Font Awesome 2018-05-18T15:11:02+00:00

Font Awesome Shortcode

Font Awesome Icons are incredibly awesome. Avada has them built right into the theme so you can use any of the 300+ icons. Each one comes in 3 sizes and can be used with or without a circle and every one is 100% full vector so they look incredibly sharp and are retina-ready!

Size Control

Display the Font Awesome icons in 3 sizes, Small, Medium, or Large.

Large Icons

Medium Icons

Small Icons

Display In Circles

Choose to show the icons inside a circle, or just as is.

Color Control

The Font Awesome Shortcode allows you to easily control the circle color, icon color and border color.

Full Icon List

Below is a complete list of all the Font Awesome icons you can utilize as well as their names.

  • fa-glass
  • fa-music
  • fa-search
  • fa-envelope-o
  • fa-heart
  • fa-star
  • fa-star-o
  • fa-user
  • fa-film
  • fa-th-large
  • fa-th
  • fa-th-list
  • fa-check
  • fa-times
  • fa-search-plus
  • fa-search-minus
  • fa-power-off
  • fa-signal
  • fa-cog
  • fa-trash-o
  • fa-home
  • fa-file-o
  • fa-clock-o
  • fa-road
  • fa-download
  • fa-arrow-circle-o-down
  • fa-arrow-circle-o-up
  • fa-inbox
  • fa-play-circle-o
  • fa-repeat
  • fa-refresh
  • fa-list-alt
  • fa-lock
  • fa-flag
  • fa-headphones
  • fa-volume-off
  • fa-volume-down
  • fa-volume-up
  • fa-qrcode
  • fa-barcode
  • fa-tag
  • fa-tags
  • fa-book
  • fa-bookmark
  • fa-print
  • fa-camera
  • fa-font
  • fa-bold
  • fa-italic
  • fa-text-height
  • fa-text_width
  • fa-align-left
  • fa-align-center
  • fa-align-right
  • fa-align-justify
  • fa-list
  • fa-outdent
  • fa-indent
  • fa-video-camera
  • fa-picture-o
  • fa-pencil
  • fa-map-marker
  • fa-adjust
  • fa-tint
  • fa-pencil-square-o
  • fa-share-square-o
  • fa-check-square-o
  • fa-arrows
  • fa-step-backward
  • fa-fast-backward
  • fa-backward
  • fa-play
  • fa-pause
  • fa-stop
  • fa-forward
  • fa-fast-foward
  • fa-step-forward
  • fa-eject
  • fa-chevron-left
  • fa-chevron-right
  • fa-plus-circle
  • fa-minus-circle
  • fa-times-circle
  • fa-check-circle
  • fa-question-circle
  • fa-info-circle
  • fa-crosshairs
  • fa-times-circle-o
  • fa-check-circle-o
  • fa-ban
  • fa-arrow-left
  • fa-arrow-right
  • fa-arrow-up
  • fa-arrow-down
  • fa-share
  • fa-expand
  • fa-compress
  • fa-plus
  • fa-minus
  • fa-asterisk
  • fa-exclamation-circle
  • fa-gift
  • fa-leaf
  • fa-fire
  • fa-eye
  • fa-eye-slash
  • fa-exclamation-triangle
  • fa-plane
  • fa-calendar
  • fa-random
  • fa-comment
  • fa-magnet
  • fa-chevron-up
  • fa-chevron-down
  • fa-retweet
  • fa-shopping-cart
  • fa-folder
  • fa-folder-open
  • fa-arrows-v
  • fa-arrows-h
  • fa-bar-chart
  • fa-twitter-square
  • fa-facebook-square
  • fa-camera-retro
  • fa-key
  • fa-cogs
  • fa-comments
  • fa-thumbs-o-up
  • fa-thumbs-o-down
  • fa-star-half
  • fa-heart-o
  • fa-sign-out
  • fa-linkedin-square
  • fa-thumb-tack
  • fa-external-link
  • fa-sign-in
  • fa-trophy
  • fa-github-square
  • fa-upload
  • fa-lemon-o
  • fa-phone
  • fa-square-o
  • fa-bookmark-o
  • fa-phone-square
  • fa-twitter
  • fa-facebook
  • fa-github
  • fa-unlock
  • fa-credit-card
  • fa-rss
  • fa-hdd-o
  • fa-bullhorn
  • fa-bell
  • fa-certificate
  • fa-hand-o-right
  • fa-hand-o-left
  • fa-hand-o-up
  • fa-hand-o-down
  • fa-arrow-circle-left
  • fa-arrow-circle-right
  • fa-arrow-circle-up
  • fa-arrow-circle-down
  • fa-globe
  • fa-wrench
  • fa-tasks
  • fa-filter
  • fa-briefcase
  • fa-arrows-alt
  • fa-users
  • fa-link
  • fa-cloud
  • fa-flask
  • fa-scissors
  • fa-files-o
  • fa-paperclip
  • fa-floppy-o
  • fa-square
  • fa-bars
  • fa-list-ul
  • fa-list-ol
  • fa-strikethrough
  • fa-underline
  • fa-table
  • fa-magic
  • fa-truck
  • fa-pinterest
  • fa-pinterest-square
  • fa-google-plus-square
  • fa-google-plus
  • fa-money
  • fa-caret-down
  • fa-caret-up
  • fa-caret-left
  • fa-caret-right
  • fa-columns
  • fa-sort
  • fa-sort-desc
  • fa-sort-asc
  • fa-envelope
  • fa-linkedin
  • fa-undo
  • fa-gavel
  • fa-tachometer
  • fa-comment-o
  • fa-comments-o
  • fa-bolt
  • fa-sitemap
  • fa-umbrella
  • fa-clipboard
  • fa-lightbulb-o
  • fa-exchange
  • fa-cloud-download
  • fa-cloud-upload
  • fa-user-md
  • fa-stethoscope
  • fa-suitcase
  • fa-bell-o
  • fa-coffee
  • fa-cutlery
  • fa-file-text-o
  • fa-building-o
  • fa-hospital-o
  • fa-ambulance
  • fa-medkit
  • fa-fighter-jet
  • fa-beer
  • fa-h-square
  • fa-plus-square
  • fa-angle-double-left
  • fa-angle-double-right
  • fa-angle-double-up
  • fa-angle-double-down
  • fa-angle-left
  • fa-angle-right
  • fa-angle-up
  • fa-angle-down
  • fa-desktop
  • fa-laptop
  • fa-tablet
  • fa-mobile
  • fa-circle-o
  • fa-quote-left
  • fa-quote-right
  • fa-spinner
  • fa-circle
  • fa-reply
  • fa-github-alt
  • fa-folder-o
  • fa-folder-open-o
  • fa-smile-o
  • fa-frown-o
  • fa-meh-o
  • fa-gamepad
  • fa-keyboard-o
  • fa-flag-o
  • fa-flag-checkered
  • fa-terminal
  • fa-code
  • fa-reply-all
  • fa-star-half-o
  • fa-location-arrow
  • fa-crop
  • fa-code-fork
  • fa-chain-broken
  • fa-question
  • fa-info
  • fa-exclamation
  • fa-superscript
  • fa-subscript
  • fa-eraser
  • fa-puzzle-piece
  • fa-microphone
  • fa-microphone-slash
  • fa-shield
  • fa-calendar-o
  • fa-fire-extinguisher
  • fa-rocket
  • fa-maxcdn
  • fa-chevron-circle-left
  • fa-chevron-circle-right
  • fa-chevron-circle-up
  • fa-chevron-circle-down
  • fa-html5
  • fa-css3
  • fa-anchor
  • fa-unlock-alt
  • fa-bullseye
  • fa-ellipsis-h
  • fa-ellipsis-v
  • fa-rss-square
  • fa-play-circle
  • fa-ticket
  • fa-minus-square
  • fa-minus-square-o
  • fa-level-up
  • fa-level-down
  • fa-check-square
  • fa-pencil-square
  • fa-external-link-square
  • fa-share-square
  • fa-compass
  • fa-caret-square-o-down
  • fa-caret-square-o-up
  • fa-caret-square-o-right
  • fa-eur
  • fa-gbp
  • fa-usd
  • fa-inr
  • fa-jpy
  • fa-rub
  • fa-krw
  • fa-btc
  • fa-file
  • fa-file-text
  • fa-sort-alpha-asc
  • fa-sort-alpha-desc
  • fa-sort-amount-asc
  • fa-sort-amount-desc
  • fa-sort-numeric-asc
  • fa-sort-numeric-desc
  • fa-thumbs-up
  • fa-thumbs-down
  • fa-youtube-square
  • fa-youtube
  • fa-xing
  • fa-xing-square
  • fa-youtube-play
  • fa-dropbox
  • fa-stack-overflow
  • fa-instagram
  • fa-flickr
  • fa-adn
  • fa-bitbucket
  • fa-bitbucket-square
  • fa-tumblr
  • fa-tumblr-square
  • fa-long-arrow-down
  • fa-long-arrow-up
  • fa-long-arrow-left
  • fa-long-arrow-right
  • fa-apple
  • fa-windows
  • fa-android
  • fa-linux
  • fa-dribbble
  • fa-skype
  • fa-foursquare
  • fa-trello
  • fa-female
  • fa-male
  • fa-gittip
  • fa-sun-o
  • fa-moon-o
  • fa-archive
  • fa-bug
  • fa-vk
  • fa-weibo
  • fa-renren
  • fa-pagelines
  • fa-stack-exchange
  • fa-arrow-circle-o-right
  • fa-arrow-circle-o-left
  • fa-caret-square-o-left
  • fa-dot-circle-o
  • fa-wheelchair
  • fa-vimeo-square
  • fa-try
  • fa-plus-square-o
  • fa-space-shuttle
  • fa-slack
  • fa-envelope-square
  • fa-wordpress
  • fa-openid
  • fa-university
  • fa-graduation-cap
  • fa-yahoo
  • fa-google
  • fa-reddit
  • fa-reddit-square
  • fa-stumbleupon-circle
  • fa-stumbleupon
  • fa-delicious
  • fa-digg
  • fa-pied-piper
  • fa-pied-piper-alt
  • fa-drupal
  • fa-joomla
  • fa-language
  • fa-fax
  • fa-building
  • fa-child
  • fa-paw
  • fa-spoon
  • fa-cube
  • fa-cubes
  • fa-behance
  • fa-behance-square
  • fa-steam
  • fa-steam-square
  • fa-recycle
  • fa-car
  • fa-taxi
  • fa-tree
  • fa-spotify
  • fa-deviantart
  • fa-soundcloud
  • fa-database
  • fa-file-pdf-o
  • fa-file-word-o
  • fa-file-excel-o
  • fa-file-powerpoint-o
  • fa-file-image-o
  • fa-file-archive-o
  • fa-file-audio-o
  • fa-file-video-o
  • fa-file-code-o
  • fa-vine
  • fa-codepen
  • fa-jsfiddle
  • fa-life-ring
  • fa-circle-o-notch
  • fa-rebel
  • fa-empire
  • fa-git-square
  • fa-git
  • fa-hacker-news
  • fa-tencent-weibo
  • fa-qq
  • fa-weixin
  • fa-paper-plane
  • fa-paper-plane-o
  • fa-history
  • fa-circle-thin
  • fa-header
  • fa-paragraph
  • fa-sliders
  • fa-share-alt
  • fa-share-alt-square
  • fa-bomb
  • fa-futfol-o
  • fa-tty
  • fa-binoculars
  • fa-plug
  • fa-slideshare
  • fa-twitch
  • fa-yelp
  • fa-newspaper-o
  • fa-wifi
  • fa-calculator
  • fa-paypal
  • fa-google-wallet
  • fa-cc-visa
  • fa-cc-mastercard
  • fa-cc-discover
  • fa-cc-amex
  • fa-cc-paypal
  • fa-cc-stripe
  • fa-bell-slash
  • fa-bell-slash-o
  • fa-trash
  • fa-copyright
  • fa-at
  • fa-eyedropper
  • fa-paint-brush
  • fa-birthday-cake
  • fa-area-chart
  • fa-pie-chart
  • fa-line-chart
  • fa-lastfm
  • fa-lastfm-square
  • fa-toggle-off
  • fa-toggle-on
  • fa-bicycle
  • fa-bus
  • fa-ioxhost
  • fa-angellist
  • fa-cc
  • fa-ils
  • fa-meanpath

Complete Set of Options

Every option and description included with the alert shortcode is listed below.

  • icon – A font awesome icon value. For example, fa-glass.
  • circle – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. Sets if the icon is circular or not.
  • size – Can be one of these values: large, medium, or small.
  • iconcolor – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the icon’s color. Leave blank for Theme Option selection.
  • circlecolor – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the icon’s background color. Leave blank for Theme Option selection.
  • circlebordercolor – Accepts a hexcode ( #000000 ). Sets the icon’s border color. Leave blank for Theme Option selection.
  • flip – Can be one of these values: none, horizontal, or vertical. Sets the direction where the icon will flip.
  • rotate – Can be one of these values: none, 90, 180, or 270. Sets the angle of the icon’s rotation.
  • spin – Can be one of these values: yes, or no. This will enable or disable the icon’s spinning feature.
  • animation_type – Can be one of these values: none, bounce, fade, flash, shake, or slide. Sets the animation to use on the shortcode.
  • animation_direction – Can be one of these values: down, right, left, or up. Sets the incoming direction for the animation.
  • animation_speed – Accepts a numerical value from .1, which is the slowest, to 1, which is the fastest.
  • alignment – Can be one of these values: left, right, or center. Sets the icon’s alignment.
  • class – Add a custom class to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.
  • id – Add a custom id to the wrapping HTML element for further css customization.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.

This Is A Custom Widget

This Sliding Bar can be switched on or off in theme options, and can take any widget you throw at it or even fill it with your custom HTML Code. Its perfect for grabbing the attention of your viewers. Choose between 1, 2, 3 or 4 columns, set the background color, widget divider color, activate transparency, a top border or fully disable it on desktop and mobile.